Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gliding past

I cannot believe the way time moves. I can now announce that I literally understand the expression 'time flies'. I am getting to the end of the beginning of my education and feeling elated, sad, happy, grateful - a mixture of emotions! I will miss the life I have lived for the last many years as I worked towards the end of these studies to the beginning of those studies. I made friends and enemies alike, but I prefer to dwell on the friends.

I learned a lot about myself and I took a reality check on who I was and who I have become and who I am growing into with each passing day. Question is....'do I like what I see, what I have metamorphosized into?'
Wait till the end of the year for a definite and sincere answer to that question - watch this space.....................

In the meantime, I love the thought of who I am shaping myself up to be. My experiences have opened my eyes to possibilities, to see things that I could look at and not see; to hear things I could not previously listen to; to have insight into things I could not comprehend; to feel what I had no sensitivity to and most of all to put pen to paper - to reflect. There is an author in me just waiting to 'get me out of here'!!! And out of here I will get with courage. Thanks to God.

Cheers to you all.