Sunday, November 23, 2008

Weekend gone by

I had a lovely weekend. We had a surprise baby shower for one of my friends and it was unbelievably gorgeous! I have never had so much fun in a long time. For once I forgot my books and just had a great time.

The dancing was great and the people very lively. When most of them heard that I was from Kenya they decided to name me Obama - to which I reacted with laughter. I was glad to have gone and now I have to put the party gear in the closet and get my books out (with pleasure)!

This week is the last of lectures and we have an exam so I will be racking my brain cells for some much needed recall and application of knowledge acquired since September. I am confident that I will surprise the examiner with brilliant answers to all the questions set and not the other way round.

It is said that what you think, you are. So I think I will pass my exams and there is no reason why I should not. Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Weeks flying by...

I have been so busy that I have not written for a while. Well, here I am. The last two weeks have been amazing. First I got a terrible cold and was dysfunctional for a week and a half. I have started recovering and feel a lot better about myself and life in general. I was feeling very low in spirit and lacking in confidence but I have bounced back like a tennis ball - with a vengeance!

My studies, luckily, did not suffer as did my physical health. I did not miss my lectures and carried my cough syrup with me to university, gulping it three hourly as the days went by.

This week sees the end of our lectures as we prepare for our exam. A lot of people are worried about the exam but to be honest, I am not. I do not want to tell people that I am worried just because they are because I know I will pass. Surely I have not come all this way to fail. I am determined to pass no matter what so my Heavenly Father please hear my prayer. Your word says that you have given me a spirit of power, love and a sound mind and because I believe it, I am not worried.

I am getting excited at the exam because it is a chance for me to show how much I can remember and apply the knowledge that I have been gaining in the last two or so months. I know I have been understanding things so putting this to paper under timed conditions should not be a problem. With God nothing is impossible and I believe and so it shall come to pass. For my friends out there who are worried about exams, don't! You have a sound brain that is fashioned to deliver so stop limiting your brain by feeding it defeatist thoughts. Tell your brain that you trust it to remember all that you have been learning and give it a chance to prove itself. I am sure your brain will appreciate this. After all, that is what it has been created for - to absorb, store, retrieve, analyse and present information. Don't you ever doubt your capability! It's more than you care to admit!

So exams, here I come. Show me a difficult question and I will show you an easy answer! Sounds simple? I thought so. Have a nice day, I know I will.

Au revuoir! (excuse my spelling if it's wrong)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I woke up this morning

I woke up this morning
Awake but still yawning
It was cold, ice cold
Freezing, really cold
Still I got out of bed
I woke up this morning
Out of bed but still yawning
It was raining, yes, raining
Wet, really raining
Still I got out of bed
I woke up this morning
Off to the shower still yawning
It was warm, the water
Nice, really warm water
Still I got out of bed
I woke up this morning
Dressed up and not yawning
Well wrapped up, cheerful
Yes cheerful, not fretful
Still I got out of bed.

Week 6 - More on that placement

Yesterday after all the steam and shock of finding out about my placement settled, I met a student nurse who had been working in that same ward I had been assigned to just before she started training. She told me how brilliant it was and that I was going to enjoy it.

Talk about getting your confidence and enthusiasm back! I was so excited and could not wait for a day off to pay a visit to the hospital and familiarize myself with the ward before my placement. I was overjoyed and I know it showed on my face - smiling, beaming, showing off my teeth - what else accompanies a smile? I wonder....

All in all I am thrilled and cannot wait for that time.

Okay back to reality. There is an exam waiting to be done before the placement so I have to get my bearings straight. My lectures today should pretty much set the scene for my revision plan.

Amigo! Kwaheri! Hakuna matata. Guten morgen! (hopefully all these are right).


Monday, November 3, 2008

Week 6 - Placement information

Finally I have managed to find out where my first placement is and to be honest, I am not amused. I got placed where I do not even know. That means I have to find time in my already busy schedule to look for this place and familiarise myself with the town. That is annoying.

The positive thing about it is that I get to go on an adventure. I have a fear of unknown places and now I have no chance of quoting that excuse! The petrol might be an issue but then again we are given an allowance. Okay, let the adventure begin.

I am now wondering what it will be like. Well, not too long to find out now! The one motivator is that Lewis Hamilton won the driver's championship in Formula One and I am a fan so I have no excuse not to cheer up! Hooray!
So long.