Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Professional Relationships

I have come to realize that there is no forgiveness in professional relationships. Get it wrong and its you against the law.....you will be on your own - no mercy, no faith, no compromise, just plain facts. This is where Tupac's 'It's me against the world' version of events stares you in the face. The phrase 'every man for himself, God for us all' could not be any more true at this point in time.

When working with professionals in a work environment, one of them will usually be responsible for showing you the ropes and usually it is this individual's responsibility to ensure that you are up to scratch with organisational and professional requirements and that you are fit to be registered as a competent professional. So, should anything go wrong, especially during your first months of work, the person who recommended you as being competent will be in trouble and could face loosing their job for allegedly falsely declaring you as competent. That's why, if you do not show signs of growth and development in your work, it becomes a case of 'me against the world'. There is no forgiveness in the world of work. You are given a chance to improve yourself, but your reputation will be tarnished big time. That's why, given a choice between money and reputation, I choose my reputation at all times because with a good reputation, money will be flowing in anyway!

So, there is a lot of pressure in becoming a professional - but it does not mean that it is unachieveable. It simply is a case of being under pressure to perform, or else.....

Lord, in our world of work, please give us the grace to work to professional standards and to practice safely so that we do not have to endure the agony of defending ourselves in front of a panel of stern-looking, no-nonsense professionals who want to 'KNOW EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED'.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Your strength is measured by how quickly you get up when you fall; how flexible you are to change; how high you hold your head in times of adversity and last but not least, how you use your mind - Pauline Okposi.

Friday, May 6, 2011

More progress

This week has been a particularly challenging one as there were pressing deadlines to be met. I am happy with the progress I have made so far and I am trully thankful because I have beaten the deadline.

I have become better at this and I feel restless if I have not lived up to expectations. However, I have learnt not to be so hard on myself because the Type A personality that I am can be detrimental in some circumstance - just ask the psychologist in you.

I am learning to relax much better and not feeling guilty about this. This weekend is one of reflecting on my journey as a student nurse and beaming at the accomplishments; while at the same time learning from the mistakes made in the past.
We are learning everyday and since nothing in this life is static, dynamism is a new vocabulary I am glad to be associated with.

I am thankful, truly thankful.

Nice weekend to everyone.

A new me

I am a changed person. Since I started my education to become a nurse, I never felt as encouraged as I feel today. I have grown academically, socially, spiritually, psychologically, name it. I feel that my institution of study has given me the opportunity to develop a side of me I did not know existed. However, the journey has not been a smooth sailing one.

I have had to go through various huddles, some very difficult, but courage and confidence has been the name of the game. When I look back at when I was filling in my application form, I never thought the day would come when I would see the finish line. It seemed so far away. But now, it's only a flicker of a distance away and I am so relieved.

Many thanks to my colleagues, lecturers, friends, family and neighbours without whose support and encouragement I would not be writing this post today. I have been fortunate to be able to get through my studies well so far and I am hopeful that, based on my performance todate, I will be an effective nurse.

However, my learning has only just began and I am ready for the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead.
Again, I say thank you to you all.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gliding past

I cannot believe the way time moves. I can now announce that I literally understand the expression 'time flies'. I am getting to the end of the beginning of my education and feeling elated, sad, happy, grateful - a mixture of emotions! I will miss the life I have lived for the last many years as I worked towards the end of these studies to the beginning of those studies. I made friends and enemies alike, but I prefer to dwell on the friends.

I learned a lot about myself and I took a reality check on who I was and who I have become and who I am growing into with each passing day. Question is....'do I like what I see, what I have metamorphosized into?'
Wait till the end of the year for a definite and sincere answer to that question - watch this space.....................

In the meantime, I love the thought of who I am shaping myself up to be. My experiences have opened my eyes to possibilities, to see things that I could look at and not see; to hear things I could not previously listen to; to have insight into things I could not comprehend; to feel what I had no sensitivity to and most of all to put pen to paper - to reflect. There is an author in me just waiting to 'get me out of here'!!! And out of here I will get with courage. Thanks to God.

Cheers to you all.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Years gone by

I have not visited this blog in a while. The thing is, I am trying not to match it with my attendance at university coz it has to be anonymous. Confidentiality is a big thing and someone can kick my ass for it - I mean, literally sue me for breach of confidentiality. So excuse me for being away for so long.

A lot has happened since and it has been mostly good. I am nearly finishing my studies and I am so excited. The time spend studying has been worth the effort I put in and I am hopeful that all will be well. I am getting ready to enter a special profession which I know I have a calling to do. I cannot wait to change uniforms and wear one that proves to me that I did it!

Like most people, a change is as good as a rest so I will be looking forward to it. There are still some things to polish up which I am doing with the most interest that I can gather and I suppose the sense of accomplishment that now fills the air is motivation enough to keep going. The end is nigh, however, it also beckons the beginning of another journey of endless. lifelong learning.

I am officially hooked and cranied!

Assignment guideline

You have to make your own decisions. I will help you if you ask and only if I can but bottom line is that you have to make your own decisions. I will not stand in your way or deny you the opportunity of exploring your intelligence and creativity by providing all the answers for you because that will not be fair. You are not created to be a copycat; you are unique in your own individually characteristic way so try to understand why I cannot give you my ideas to copy. I can guide your thinking in the right direction, but I cannot duplicate my thoughts and plans to you as this only limits your thinking and capability and makes you see yourself through someone else's eyes instead of your own.

I am sorry if you think that I am being mean. Look at things from a different perspective, I always do. Imagine if you asked me a question and I gave you the answer the way I would have answered it straight away, no questions asked. 'Good', you may think. The positive thing here is that I have made your work easier, quicker and less laborious because all you have to do is to copy and paste the answer and voila! Job done. No sweat. No worries. And its free, you do not have to spend too much time researching and working out how to solve the problem. After all, why should you when the solution has been provided for you? I have planted an idea into your head which you cannot use to help you generate your own ideas which in this case means that you are actually not growing intellectually except in a dependent-on-me way. The next time you have a question that needs an answer, all you have to do is send it to me and I will answer it for you. Okay, you may think that this is easy for you, and it probably is. You wonder why you should sweat when I am here to do all the dirty work for you. Ha ha!

Then comes the negative but positive response where I tell you that I know the answer but I will not give it to you directly. Instead, I give you references to books or articles that I think will be of help to you and let you read through them and come up with your own interpretation of the material which you then go ahead to use to formulate a creative answer to the question in a you-alone style only identifiable to yourself and for which you personally take credit. In the process of doing this, you use your thinking and reasoning abilities and generate alternative responses to the question which after critically thinking about from various perspectives, you finally arrive to the decision that you feel best answers the question. You have taken a lot of time doing this and spent sleepless nights working on a suitable response. You have got frustrated sometimes and left the work alone, almost given up, but motivated yourself to keep going and gradually developed a resounding interest in the work which has eventually led you to write an unforgettable essay. You are about to hand in your work when you proudly look back at all the effort you put in and agree with yourself that it was worth it. The time you spent learning new study skills has paid off. And the most satisfying thing is that these skills will stay with you forever. The next time you are given a question to answer, you will not be looking for me to do it for you. You will put your best foot forward and make a start because you know that the journey of a thousand steps begins with the first step. You made it and yes, you did it yourself. You are above the moon! (I would be too if I was in your shoes!)

Over to you. Decide.
